Course overview
Asia is one of the world’s largest regional economy and has the potential to fuel and shape the next phase of globalization. The advancement of technology and the advent of the digital age have further highlighted the importance of the Asian economy.
In light of its critical role of Asia in the international business, this program aims to equip students with the realization of the changes in the Asian economic environment (globalization, trade and its diplomatic and general economic policies, as well as management accounting principles, etc.). Students will get the opportunities of field visiting companies and having conversation with senior executives of those companies to understand how companies can use social medias in the digital age to enhance their value of products/services, display their creativity and entrepreneurship, and in turn enhance the company’s global competitiveness.
Academic year
Duration and dates
2 weeks from June 20 to July 1 2022
Teaching format
Dr Sonia Lo and Ms Jean Cheng
Dr. Sonia Ming-Shiow Lo, after receiving doctoral degree in management and marketing from the University of Melbourne, has been teaching at National Chengchi University since 2008. Her research focuses on supply chain/operations management, digital innovation, and service operations strategy.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this program, students will develop the written and oral communication skills necessary for success in their business careers, develop basic technological skills to prepare them for their business careers, acquire a global perspective of the modern business environment, and acquire the basic business knowledge necessary for success in their business careers.
Course content
The course consists of two weeks of theoretical sessions, company visits/ briefing, on site/ online fieldwork and teamwork. It will be discussed in different aspects: International Business, Business Administration, Management Information Systems and Accounting.
An outline for different courses are:
Intro Session: Global Economy and Asia
Instructor: Dr. Minwoo Park
Biography: Minwoo Park is an assistant professor in the Department of International Business. He joined NCCU after he completed his MSc at London School of Economics (LSE) and PhD at University of Southern California (USC). His research interests lie in Macroeconomics and International Finance.
Outline: Living in a world that is more connected than ever before, understanding the global economy is vital for conducting businesses. With an emphasis on Asian economies, which has been the most dynamic region in terms of economic growth for several decades, this course will introduce students to international macroeconomic issues, such as global imbalances, current account sustainability, international capital movements, international financial markets, and currency crises. An overview of the economies of important countries in Asia, including Taiwan, will also be provided.
Intro Session: Curating Digital Contents by using the Cultural Technology
Instructor: Dr. Yu-Chien Chang
Biography: Yu-Chien Chang is an associate professor in the Graduate Institute of Technology, Innovation & Intellectual Property Management. She received her Ph.D. in marketing from King’s College London in the UK. Her research focuses on topics of marketing and innovation in arts and cultural organizations.
Outline: The creative economy has become a powerful transformative force today. A greater proportion of the world’s intellectual capitals and creative resources is now being invested in both cultural and creative industries (CCIs). It is one of the most rapidly growing sectors in terms of income generation, job creation and export earnings. Since the museum sector plays a crucial role in CCIs, this course will work with the world-renowned museum, the National Palace Museum, to provide an introduction of how the museum operates under the digital era and how the digital tools are used in exhibitions.
International Business
Instructor: Dr. Douglas Chung
Biography: Dr. Douglas Chung is an Assistant Professor in the Department of International Business. A native of Hong Kong, he has a PhD in Finance and a MSc in Financial Economics from the BI Norwegian Business School, as well as a BEcon&Fin from the University of Hong Kong. Before embarking on an academic career, he was an economist at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.
Course: Investment Management in the Age of Big Data
Outline: Some say “Data is the new oil of the digital economy’’. Thanks to innovations in information technology, there is now an abundance of financial data online. Hence, quantitative investment is no longer a proprietary know-how for institutional investors.
Individuals who possess data science skillsets and financial knowledge will better prepare themselves in making investment decisions in today’s market. This course will introduce the framework and tools to invest systematically in the big data era. Students will learn how to gather data across global markets, visualize and analysis data, optimize portfolios, and back-test investment strategies through the popular programming language “Python’’.
Business Administration
Instructor: Dr. Kuan-Ju Chen
Biography: Dr. Kuan-Ju Chen (Ph.D., University of Georgia) is an assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. His research interests include integrated marketing communication, digital and social media marketing, and consumer psychology.
Course: Digital Marketing
Outline: This course looks at the advertising, entertainment and communication channels that make up digital marketing, and explains how these tools fit into a company’s integrated marketing communication strategies. Using examples from large corporations and small business, students will explore how marketing professionals embrace online networks, digital content and other practices (e.g., SEO/SEM, eWOM, mobile, location-based, in-game advertising, etc.) to create brand awareness, buzz and desired consumer behavior. Students will be acquainted with practical knowledge and analytical skills necessary to create, evaluate, and execute digital marketing campaigns in order to solve real-world marketing issues.
Instructor: Dr. Sungjun (Steven) Park
Biography: Dr. Sungjun (Steven) Park was born and raised in Seoul, Korea. He has a Ph.D. degree from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), and is currently teaching as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration. Before joining NCCU, he worked for Samsung Electronics as a marketing data scientist in Seoul, Korea. His current research interests, digital and AI/high-tech marketing, were stemmed from his industrial experiences.
Course: Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
Outline: Creativity is a required skill in a business environment. However, not all individuals are creative, which is a critical component to become an entrepreneur. The course will introduce the meaning of creativity and discuss different sub-dimensions of it. This class aims to foster individuals’ creativity by taking an experiential learning approach. Through discussions, students will develop a new product design and present it in front of other students. Also, students will discuss a case examining the role of humans’ creativity in the age of AI technologies. In all, this class will be filled with questions and discussions to facilitate creative mindsets relevant to creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Guest speakers will be invited to share a business case relevant to entrepreneurship in the afternoon session, including a startup entrepreneur who used to work for Morgan Stanley.
Management Information Systems
Instructor: Dr. Chih-Hung/ C.H. Peng
Biography: Chih-Hung PENG is currently an Associate Professor in Management Information Systems at College of Commerce, National Chengchi University. Prior to joining National Chengchi University, he was on the faculty of City University of Hong Kong. He earned a PhD in Information Technology Management from Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests include virtual team, social media, organizational innovation, and service innovation. His research appeared in Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Internet Research, and AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction.
Course: Introduction to Social Media
Outline: This course aims to provide students with knowledge and skills to leverage social media to support business operations including marketing and strategy development. The course involves two sections. The first section will discuss how different social media applications (including social community, social publishing, social entertainment, and social commerce) can be leveraged for marketing, branding, and promotion. In the second section, a guest lecturer will discuss how to use social media analytics in his/her field.
Instructor: Dr. Joyce Lee
Biography: Joyce Yi-Hui Lee is an associate professor in the Department of Management Information Systems at National Chengchi University. She holds a PhD in Management from the University of Bath in the UK. She has wide-ranging experience in industry related to international business collaboration. Her current research interests include online communication behavior, social media communities, and digital innovation.
Course: Social Media Communication
Outline: Social media has become an important part of contemporary business models in many companies. Multiple services derived from social media, such as interactive communication and content sharing, are expected to enhance a company’s online visibility, disseminate new product information, or manage organization and customer interactions. However, have you ever wondered why some online contents through social media go viral but others don’t, why some products become hits but others flop. In this course, you will discover the scientific knowledge behind the online communication behavior. You will explore how things catch on in the social networked contexts. You will also learn the power of word of mouth in the online environment. Moreover, through a case study approach, you will learn and practice to sketch and create digital content that will help you to apply your online business campaign effectively.
Instructor Dr. Stephanie Tsui
Biography: Stephanie Tsui is an Assistant Professor at the National Chengchi University, Department of Accounting. She was awarded her Ph.D. in Accounting from Arizona State University and holds qualifications from other prestigious institutions, such as New York University and the University of Michigan.
Course: Accounting in Taiwan
Outline: The main objective of this course it to enhance students’ ability to use and understand accounting information. This course aims to further prepare students to understand managerial accounting: the process of identifying, measuring, analyzing, interpreting, and communicating information to managers for the pursuit of an organization’s goals in the changing era. The course also aims to provide students with an understanding of the tax system in Taiwan as it is one of the most important factor when making business decisions.
Course value
Required background
Students are required to have completed one semester of coursework at master level in one of the participating business schools.
The evaluation for this course is based on the group project follow up, the final presentation and peer evaluation. It has three components:
- Evaluation by the project coordinator at the host school, based on the focus, structure and content of the recommendations;
- Evaluation by the course lecturers, based on the application of theories in projects, and the content of the deliverables (adequacy and applicability) of the project;
- Peer evaluation (guarantees an individual grading).
There is no mandatory or direct supplementary textbook. All teaching materials will be distributed digitally to the participants. For some topics, additional information can be found in standard procurement textbooks such as:
– Investments, 11th Edition by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan Marcus, McGraw-Hill, 2019.
– Asset Management, A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing, 1st Edition by Andrew Ang, Oxford University Press, 2014.
– Nada R. S., John D. W., “The Secret to AI is People,” Harvard Business Review, 2020
– Thomas C-P, Ben T., “Can AI Ever Be as Curious as Humans?” Harvard Business Review, 2017
– Joseph P., “The Future of Human Work is Imagination, Creativity, and Strategy,” Harvard Business Review, 2018
Extra cost
About the School
The College of Commerce at National Chengchi University (NCCUC), established in 1958, is highly regarded nationally and internationally as the best business school in Taiwan. Our reputation is based on the caliber of our academics and students. With eight departments, one institution, 17 national-level research centers, and 39 multi-functional laboratories, NCCUC has achieved an outstanding record in academic research, consulting for government policies, as well as business and the community. Additionally, NCCUC offers 148 professors who have earned Ph.D. degrees from world-renowned universities, approximately 4,300 current students and over 41,000 graduates. NCCUC graduates are highly employable and sought after by local and international business communities.